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The Importance of the U.S. Farm Bill for Food and Beverage Companies

The Importance of the U.S. Farm Bill for Food and Beverage Companies blog

The U.S. farm bill is a significant piece of legislation that plays a crucial role in shaping agricultural policy, supporting farmers, and impacting the food and beverage industry. Passed by the U.S. Congress every five years, the next reauthorization should be approved September 2023; the process has already started. The farm bill encompasses a wide […]

Sustainable Intensification: The IPCC magic bullet

Sustainable Intensification The IPCC magic bullet blog

Produce more, spend less, save the planet. It’s not too late to change course. The last installment of the Intergovernmental panel on climate change’s (IPCC) sixth assessment cycle was released earlier this month. Once again stressing the need for immediate action to mitigate climate change in order to avoid dire consequences. While all sectors are […]

Beyond Greenwashing: Building Trust and Sustainability in the Food and Beverage Industry

Beyond Greenwashing Building Trust and Sustainability in the Food and Beverage Industry blog

How is the European Union combating greenwashing in the food and beverage industry and why is it important for companies to embrace these developments? As consumers become more environmentally conscious, many food and beverage companies are eager to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability. In a joint study from McKinsey and NielsenIQ examining product sales growth […]