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Bridging the Agricultural Blindspot: A Necessity for Food & Beverage Enterprises

Agricultural Blindspot

Agriculture lies at the very heart of the Food & Beverage industry. Without a thriving agricultural sector, the food giants of the world would be left with empty plates. This industry is characterized with extensive supply chains and complex production processes, however without a consistent and high-quality source of ingredients, these companies would be left […]

Navigating the Challenges and Innovations in the Potato Cultivation Industry

Data-Driven Potato Cultivation

The potato cultivation industry, like many others, has seen its share of challenges in recent times. Yet, despite the hardships, those involved in this field exhibit remarkable resilience and determination. They have embraced technology and innovation (Data-Driven Potato Cultivation) as their allies, helping them overcome obstacles and thrive in the ever-changing landscape of potato cultivation. […]

Crop Supply: From Compliance to Agronomic Optimization

Crop Supply: From Compliance to Agronomic Optimization

How Leveraging Advanced Technology Empowers Food & Beverage Companies In the dynamic landscape of the food and beverage industry, dealing with the volatility and instability of crop supply has been an enduring challenge. Food and beverage companies have had to deal with these uncertainties, especially as the importance of sustainability has surged on both governmental […]

The EU Soil Monitoring Directive – What food supply chain players need to know?

The EU Soil Monitoring Directive – What food supply chain players need to know blog

Understanding the Impact of the EU Soil Monitoring Directive 60% of European soils are unhealthy – meaning they have sustained damage to their structure, microbial composition and overall nutrients. That in turn makes them more susceptible to erosion (being carried away by rain or wind) and their cultivation more input-intensive. This degradation is estimated to […]

How will the EU’s deforestation regulation (EUDR) transform the agri-food supply chain

How will the EU’s deforestation regulation (EUDR) transform the agri-food supply chain

On April 19, 2023, the European Parliament adopted the Deforestation-Free Products Regulation (EUDR); the EU Council is expected to approve the EUDR the following month, ushering it into force. The new deforestation regulation is aimed at curbing the import of illegally harvested timber and agricultural products that contribute to deforestation. The new law has set strict […]

The Importance of the U.S. Farm Bill for Food and Beverage Companies

The Importance of the U.S. Farm Bill for Food and Beverage Companies blog

The U.S. farm bill is a significant piece of legislation that plays a crucial role in shaping agricultural policy, supporting farmers, and impacting the food and beverage industry. Passed by the U.S. Congress every five years, the next reauthorization should be approved September 2023; the process has already started. The farm bill encompasses a wide […]

Sustainable Intensification: The IPCC magic bullet

Sustainable Intensification The IPCC magic bullet blog

Produce more, spend less, save the planet. It’s not too late to change course. The last installment of the Intergovernmental panel on climate change’s (IPCC) sixth assessment cycle was released earlier this month. Once again stressing the need for immediate action to mitigate climate change in order to avoid dire consequences. While all sectors are […]